Have you started to think about back to school shopping yet?? It's time to order what you'll want your little kiddos to have from the internet world now. We just purchased 3 of these
Goodbyn lunchboxes, and we're
so excited! I think these lunch boxes are great, because they eliminate the need for plastic baggies and countless tupperware containers that you can never find lids for. The whole thing seals up with one lid. You can just throw it in the dishwasher every evening, and it's good to go for the next day. I love the bento type style of box (and the food doesn't have to touch!) that is portion controlled to promote healthy eating. I also love the idea of using the water bottle most days, and saving milk for a special once in a while treat......
think of the money that will be saved! Of course I got these for the girls, but I had to get myself one too. I can't stop thinking about the cute healthy lunch ideas that you can put together so easily with this. You should definitely check this company out. If anyone knows any great lunch post links, please share!! I'll probably post lunch box peeks on here when we get them.....I'm sure it'll be way too cute not to. Also, if you do want to get one of these lunchboxes, you should check out this post from
bleubirdvintage (where the above pics came from), to get a 15% off discount code!